Today's Orthodontics

Different color options and the ability to change colors, for example, provide exciting ways for young patients to customize appearances. That enthusiasm helps them feel good about their orthodontic treatment, and may contribute to the success of treatment.

Mothers Report Braces One Of The Best Investments

While the perceptions and attitudes surrounding braces have changed over the years, the goal of orthodontic treatment remains the same - to help each patient achieve a beautiful smile. In fact, 78 percent of mothers who had braces as a child believe braces are one of the best investments their parents made for them.

More Comfortable And A Better Experience

A perception of orthodontic treatment is that it seems to be easier than ever and more enjoyable for today's patients. A majority of mothers reported that while wearing braces used to be a less comfortable and a lengthier process, new technologies and orthodontic options are making their children's experience more enjoyable. Most also described the experience of visiting the orthodontist office as fun, and 81 percent rated their child's experience of visiting the orthodontist as positive or extremely positive.
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